Wednesday 7 September 2011

Update from the Second TeachMeet

The second TeachMeet met at the Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) on Tuesday, 6th September.
Anne Culhane very kindly organised and hosted the event which focused on 'Mobile Technologies'. Librarians from LSAD, UL, LIT and St. Patrick's College, Thurles were present.

After refreshments, Anne started off the meeting with an interesting presentation on the library's very successful use of Facebook at LSAD. This led on to a most constructive discussion about the pros and cons of Facebook and other social media for libraries; the responsibilities that social media bring for librarians; changes in how students communicate; marketing the library and library blogs.

It was decided that we will have another Teachmeet before Christmas and Pádraig Kirby (LIT) kindly offered to host it. Topics that will be discussed include copyright, plagiarism and referencing.

Sincere thanks to Anne for such an interesting meeting.

Friday 2 September 2011

Second Teachmeet meeting

The second get-together of Teachmeet will take place in the Limerick School of Art & Design, Clare St., Limerick.  This group looks at the difficulties Library Staff face when delivering Information literacy programmes to students and staff as technologies and  expectations  are changing and  developing rapidly.

The main focus of the meeting will revolve around 'Mobile Technologies'.

If anyone would like to give a talk/demonstration on any aspect of this - can you let Ann Culhane know in advance so that she can organise a schedule and if necessary, have the appropriate technology in place! [Email ann.culhane(at)]

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 6th September. Coffees and teas will be available between 9.30am - 10.00am. It should finish up around 12.30pm.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Becoming Confident Teachers: A Guide for Academic Librarians

Hi All,

Claire McGuinness from UCD has written a book entitled Becoming Confident Teachers: A Guide for Academic Librarians.

I just found out about the book and thought it might be of interest to some of you.